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I love lotion bars especially to have in my car for the winter. One of the main reasons for the bars is that I don't need to worry about them freezing and separating, I can just leave them. I decided I would infuse some skin loving plants gently into nourishing oils that would make them so helpful with winters dry skin. This time I infused comfrey, calendula flowers, marshmallow, lavender, hyssop and borage into the oil. All of these plants have wonderful benefits for the skin and will be a great addition! Each plant was hand collected and lovingly grown right here. This batch also has orange essential oil added. I also try to tweak it depending on the season and the moisturizing needed.

This is made with shea butter, cocoa butter and beeswax.

Herbal Infused Lotion travel Stick

  • Ingredients: Coconut Oil infused with Comfrey and Calendula Flowers, Shea Butter and Beeswax, Essential Oils of Peppermint and orange

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